The Ausmumprener Awards are 11 years old and are the number one community of mums in business. I love the Ausmumprener Awards due to the amazing inclusive community that the founders have created. Peace and Katy are just lovely ladies that genuinely want the best for all women in business. These awards have been around for 11 years and are well known and credible.
So to be a finalist in three categories this year blows my mind. I am so excited and grateful. I have my judging for the Regional Business Excellence Award on Wednesday and have been practicing my answers. Wish me luck as I tend to get nervous and waffle, and there is only a short period of time to get all of the information across.
Why these Awards are so important to me this year is that COVID has been such a trying time for so many businesses and to receive an Award would reinforce that all of the efforts we are putting in is noticed. Other than by our amazing customers, whose Testimonials really make out the day.
The Ausmumprener Awards are well recognised and being a mum in business they are the pinnacle of achievement. So keep your fingers crossed for me, hopefully, I will have a few Ausmumprener trophies to add to the office come September.
I am going to get dressed up for the online Awards night and hopefully, we are allowed a group of friends together at that time and we will have a fun online Awards night.