Use your 2019 Optical Benefit on Prescription Safety Glasses

For those of you like me, paying thousands of dollars to be members of a health fund.  You should probably try and get as much of a return on your investment as possible. Why not order some prescription safety glasses?

Most of the health funds, optical benefit expires for the year on the 31st of December.  So if you haven’t already used your optical extra benefit this year, then snap to it.  Find your current prescription, if it is over 12 months old.  Then we advise you to go and get your prescription checked.  Find the frame you like and get your order in.  As I am sure you are aware, most businesses close over the Christmas period and optical labs are no different.  So if you want to see your safety glasses or sunglasses before 2020, then you need to get moving and get your order in.

We also create prescription sunglasses, that you can also claim through your optical extras from your health fund.  So, why wait until January.  When you will have lost 2019 optical extra payment.  When you can get your order in now and have your full optical allocation ready for 2020.


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