For people who spend time outside, they should consider the damage that sunlight/UV does to their eyes. Wearing safety sunglasses both protects your eyes from UV exposure and any possible impact injuries that hit the glasses rather then your eyes and eye area.
Research has linked ultraviolet light (UV) to the eye conditions including – cataracts, glaucoma and macular degeneration. Therefore it makes sense to protect your eyes from UV light. By wearing safety sunglasses, you also have piece of mind knowing that if debri were to hit your safety lenses they won’t break.
Polarised sunglasses have lenses available in grey or brown full tints for most safety glasses and are an excellent choice for the ultimate glare reduction. Polarised lenses are known for being excellent on the water and have historically been used by boaties and fisherman. Why should they be the only people benefiting from improved glare reduction that the Polarised lenses achieve. Polarised lenses have a treatment within the lens to block light from a certain direction, this is why if you have two polarized lenses within your hands you can turn one of the lenses to be 90 degrees on top of the other lens and the lenses go black.
The disadvantages of polarized lenses include the inability to read some LCD screens and some interesting colour effects eg. Seeing rainbows in mirrored windows.
I wear polarised brown tinted lenses and I find them excellent from early in the morning until twilight. I can read the clock and dials in my car without a problem. I also find that the brown lens enhances colours and the grey tint tends to dim things down. So if you are very sensitive to glare then I would recommend considering the polarized lens with a grey tint.